In 2015, yours truly began covering Student Sections in Orange County, California. We expanded to Southern California in 2017 and last year, we added four more states. This past winter, we expanded to 19 states.
Now, we are going to 40 states. This is still a one-person operation for the most part.
I know that Student Sections have a lot of work to do to get the students to the games to cheer on their classmates and go along with the theme and make sure they don’t cause trouble. These student sections deserve recognition.
We will kick off the Student Section season with Preseason Football Student Section Rankings and Watch List. REMEMBER, this is a PREVIEW AND A WATCH LIST. These are not rankings. The real rankings come out in November or December.
If you feel your student section isn’t mentioned on the Watch List, let us know and we’ll make sure to keep an eye on them this season.
Every week, we will also have Student Section of the Week for each state. Once you win Student Section of the Week, you can’t win it again, but you still have to battle for the top spot in your state and perhaps the Nation as we will also name a Football Student Section National Champion.
So far we have previewed a Top 40 Preseason Football Student Section Ranking for Tennessee, Alabama, Alaska, North Carolina, the Los Angeles Region and we have done a Watch List for Hawaii.
This week, we introduce our 22nd state to join the Student Section madness, Indiana.
When we planned to expand at the beginning of 2020, we did not plan chaos to push our plans back for two year. We briefly covered Indiana during the fall of 2020, but COVID made that difficult. We know very little of Indiana as far as Student Sections.
What we do know is that Indiana is known for their love of basketball, but don’t ignore the football side because they have talent on the field and they have crazy student sections in the stands as well.
In each state, we will name one student section to look out for. Since this is a Watch List, again, we know very little of Indiana Student Sections, but if we could pick a preseason favorite as the best football student section, it would be the Cathedral Irish Nightmare of Indianapolis.
Honestly, the Irish Nightmare should just focus on taking the National Football Student Section Title, I can’t see another student section making a push for the top spot in Indiana, but I could be wrong…or will I?
New Palestine Dragon Nation
Twitter: @NPHS_students
Carmel Greyhound Nation
Twitter: @CHSBigGame
Instagram: @carmelstudentsection
Bishop Chatard of Indianapolis
Twitter: @bchsstudentsec8
Instagram: @bishopchatardhighschool
Avon Oriole Army
Twitter: @OrioleArmy
Instagram: @avonschoolbody
Whitko Blue Crew of South Whitley
Twitter: @WhitkoCommunity
Instagram: @whitko_schools
Brownsburg Bone Zone
Twitter: @studentsbhs
Instagram: @barstoolbrownsburg
Warren Central Pit of Indianapolis
Twitter: @wc_pit
Instagram: @warren_central_athletics
Valparaiso Viking Nation
Twitter: @VikingNationVHS
Instagram: @vikingnationvhs
Fishers Tiger Cage
Twitter: @FHSTigerCage
Instagram: @fhstigercage
Hamilton Southeastern of Fishers
Twitter: @BlueCrewHSE
Instagram: @hsebluecrew23
Make sure to follow us on Twitter (@StudentSectRep) or on Instagram (@studentsectrep)
Harrison of West Lafayette
Twitter: @Raider_SS
Instagram: @harrisonstudentsection
Lake Central Tribe of St. John
Twitter: @lcfanssection
Instagram: @lakecentralnews
Twitter: @HHS_FanSection
Instagram: @hhsfansection
Covenant Christian of Indianapolis
Twitter: @CAWarriorNation
Instagram: @cawarriornation
Lawrence Central Bears Den of Indianapolis
Twitter: @LCHS_StuSection
Instagram: @lcbearsden
Cathedral Irish Nightmare of Indianapolis
Twitter: @CHSNightmare
Instagram: @chsirishnightmare
Castle of Newburgh “The Castle”
Twitter: @knightssection_
Twitter: @FranktonSS2020
Snider Jungle of Fort Wayne
Twitter: @SniderStudSec
Instagram: @snider_stuco
Silver Creek Ozone of Sellersburg
Twitter: schsozone
Lafayette Jefferson
Twitter: @jeff_princpal
Westfield Green Machine
Instagram: @whsrockboys
Center Grove of Greenwood
Instagram: @cgsportsnetwork
Lawerence North of Indianapolis
Instagram: @lnfansection_
Andrean Niner Nation of Merrillville
Instagram: @ninernation2022
Roncalli Rowdies of Indianapolis
Instagram: @roncallirowdies