The time has come to start ranking 50 states that we covered this football season. 

To say I’m overwhelmed with the work that comes along with this is an understatement.

We had 11 Student Section of the Week winners in West Virginia and that helped us determine who had the best Student Section and which ones wanted it more.

Just showing up in large crowds isn’t enough. It might fool other outlets that don’t cover Student Sections, but not us. We have to know how bad you want it and marketing is key. 

You will see top-notch Student Sections miss out at the top spot, but we kept saying it over and over and over again, in order to be considered number one, you have to win the Student Section of the Week title. Otherwise, what is the point of having that contest?!

I know Student Sections complain, but remember it’s thousands of Student Sections and only me. Social media is your friend if used correctly.

This is our second year covering Football Student Sections in West Virginia.

I feel like we haven’t gotten a solid grasp of West Virginia Student Sections yet, but we have noticed more Student Sections in this state, so we hope to be more accurate.

It is tough since the majority of these Student Sections are very alike and equal.

The West Virginia Football Student Section Champion will move on to Regionals in hopes to get the National Championship banner as voting will now get involved!

So, let’s see who made the list and who is the best in the Mountain State.


  1. Morgantown Rowdie Society

The Rowdie Society was definitely Rowdie. They loved showing off their school spirit basically every week. They can pack the stands and go nuts, giving opposing teams a hard time to focus. We’ll see how they’ll do in Regionals and Nationals, but for now, the Morgantown Rowdie Society is your 2023 West Virginia Football Student Section of the Year!

  1. John Marshall Maniacs

The Maniacs is regarding by many as one of the best and you can see why. Calling them Maniacs seems fitting because this is a crazy group of kids in the stands!

  1. Musselman Maniacs

The Maniacs were introduced to us this fall and they didn’t disappoint. They were thought about for the top spot and battled. This is an amazing Student Section

  1. Martinsburg Dog Pound

The Dog Pound packed the house and loved showing it off on social media. Dog Pound is always on are radar and you can’t blame us for it!

  1. Hoover Dawgpound

The Dawgpound rocked it in the stands and on social media. They loved showing off their school spirit and I can’t blame them!

  1. Williamstown Chop House
  1. Princeton Tiger Cage
  1. Wayne
  1. Chapmanville
  1. Parkersburg South Psychos
  2. Cabell Midland
  3. Hurricane Crazy Cane
  4. Spring Valley Wolf Pack
  5. Wheeling Park Pit
  6. Greenbrier East
  7. Huntington Drew Crew
  8. Woodrow Wilson Eagle Nest
  9. South Charleston Orange Nation
  10. Wyoming East New Richmond Rowdies
  11. Tug Valley
  12. University Zoo
  13. Roane County Riot
  14. Weir
  15. Parkersburg
  16. Spring Mills
  17. Poca
  18. Bridgeport
  19. Bluefield
  20. Capital Cougar Gang
  21. George Washington